
Development Blog of Student in CS. Currently, I study in MIPT in Informatics And Computational Technologies program.

Alex Dremov

Why did I decide to create this blog?

I created this blog when I encountered problems with finding easy-to-understand articles on programming, math, and algorithms. Eventually, I discovered the needed information.

Through pain. And deep-night-googling.

Here I write about problems I encountered, trying to focus on every part that was hard to understand when I dug into the problem, so that you have better experience ;)


  • 🎓 MIPT — Informatics And Computational Technologies student. Therefore, some of my posts portray solutions to problems I encountered in college.
  • 🤖 Yandex Middle Machine Learning Engineer — Yandex voice input team engineer.


I love mobile development and machine learning. They are very distant topics. But for me, ML is a way of using my mathematical brain, while iOS development is a way to fulfill my "developer" passions. Therefore, my content may be... contrastive